Dear Clients,

With reference to the announcement of the President of the Central Statistical Office of 15 January 2025 regarding the average total annual consumer price index in 2024, which amounted to 103,6 (increase by 3,6 %), we would like to kindly inform that pursuant to Section 20 of Tariffs for Pilot Services of 27 May 2022, all charges specified in the Tariff will be respectively valorised by 3,6 % as on 01 April 2025.

Fares valorised according to the above rates:

Tarrif for pilotage
Terms and conditions of the pilot boat rental services

P. U. M. UNIPIL Sp. z o.o.

ul. Warsztatowa 12
81-341 Gdynia

tel. (+48) 58 772 63 00
tel. (+48) 58 772 63 01
mobi. (+48) 888 110 634
fax (+48) 58 772 63 04

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